Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year From The Creek...

The decade beginning in 1910 was a busy one...World War I, an influenza pandemic, and women's march for suffrage. On a lighter note, the "in" dance was the Foxtrot, pop-up toasters were invented and Nabisco introduced their new cookie - the "Oreo". New slang terms popped up in conversation, like "Something is not all it's cracked up to be", "No kidding", and "Down to the last detail".

So what will be said of 2010 in a hundred years? Your guess is as good as mine. But no kidding, I sure hope it is all it's cracked up to be... right down to the last detail.

Have a safe and blessed 2010.


  1. This is so perfect. I looked for a card from 1910, but couldn't find any in my collection even though I have lots from 1906, 1907, and 1908. This is simply splendid, just as I hope your 2010 will be.

  2. Thanks Christine!! I knew you'd love this one. I so enjoy looking at your postcards. Blessings for the new year!

  3. Lovelyyyyyy! The wax seal looks so touchable and the colors are so vibrant! I'm over from the daily postcard:) I have a blog event called Postcard Friendship Friday every week. I went ahead and entered you link so that everybody could find and gawk at your pretty card:) Happy New Year!

  4. Hi!
    Very pretty postcard! Amazing the things that come into fashion, hang around awhile, go away and pop back a few years later. Have a great new year!

    A View of My Life

  5. I like the idea of posting a 1910 card for 2010. I will probably post one later in the week. Interesting trivia too.

  6. Great card! Happy PFF and Happy New Year!

  7. My grandmother marched for women's sufferage. I once found the embroidered badge she wore in an old trunk at her home when I was young, and she described what it was like.

    I wonder what people will think of us 100 years from now. Those women were VERY brave and I am proud to be my grandmother's granddaughter. (grin)

    Thank you! Happy New Year and Happy PFF!

  8. Wow Beth- what a great story from your grandmother! We owe those brave women a debt of gratitude - our lives would be much different had they not had the fortitude to stand up and make themselves heard. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Well I certainly hope an influenza epidemic doesn't put in another appearance - just waiting for a suitable anniversary. A very wonderful New Year to you!

  10. Happy New Year! TFS the history of 100 years ago. PFF
